The Future of Skincare Trends

The Future of Skincare Trends

We have selected the latest consumer requests to innovate the development of skin care products in the future
- Protects, repairs and strengthens the skin’s surface barrier.
Climate change, pollution/pollution, and the use of skin care products using dangerous ingredients are the main causes of problems with the skin barrier. Skincare products containing ceramide, peptide, microbiome and botanical oil ingredients are becoming a trend with claims to provide skin barrier protection and strengthening.
- Encouraging the evolution/change of skin active ingredients that are used traditionally (used all the time).
evolution using encapsulation and nano technology on derivatives of retinol and hyaluronic acid compounds.
- Explore preferred cosmetic ingredients
Niacinamide mononucleotide (nmn) is still widely liked and used both as hydrating and anti-aging. Exosome content is also starting to be popular in skin care products
Prepare for Future Skin Care with Malidas Sterilindo